Thank you to all who attended the parent meeting last night. It was great to see returning skiers and also great to see a lot of new skiers! A lot of information was give out so if you missed anything. Here is a littel recap from the boosters.
We had asked for a check from parents to help support fundraising. If your athlete meets the $150 by utilizing and helping out with the fundraisers you will get that check back. (We do not cash these until the end of the year). If your athlete does not participate in fundraising or you would like to do a “buy out” and just say here is my donation your check will be cashed at the end of the season.
The team is solely supported through fundraising and we have a goal to meet in order to support the team with what is needed. A few items that fundraising supports are: W e woule like to purchase a wagon to haul equipment during the meets, (right now they have to make multiple trips), new bench seats for athletes, another shelter for the athletes to keep warm in (we have one but it gets used mainly for waxing skis), waxing benches, uniform essentials, coaches gifts at the banquet (We like to say thank you to them for all their hard work during the season), senior gifts, scholarships, awards, and numerous other misc items. (Website, marketing items, etc)
If you would like more information on what it takes to keep the team supported, anyone is welcome to also attend all of our booster meetings-
next one is Dec. 12th at Beef O’Brady’s from 6-7pm.
Two openings we have to be filled are apparel and fundraising.
There was also a question about bringing skis on the bus. One of the athletes stated last year that they were able to bring them on the bus from the middle school to the high school, but then kept them at the high school for the week.
Coach Spencer was going to double check on this for us and when we get the information from him we will pass that along.
We also like to have snacks available at the meets for the athletes-as you well know these kids work up quite the appetite!
Below is a link for the sign up genius for snacks for meets.
We are also still in need of volunteers for the Pizza Ranch fundraiser. Below is a link to sign up for that.
Thank you parents for all your help! We cannot do all of this without you!