

Open Booster Club Positions for the 2021-2022 Season

Posted by Andover Nordic on Feb 10 2021 at 07:01PM PST


As the Nordic season winds down in the next 4 weeks we wanted to remind everyone that there will be 5 open positions for the 2021-2022 season. The time commitment for most of the positions is about 2 hours during the season and less during the off months. October/November is the kick off of the season, May is planning for the summer and June is the yearly budget.

Please let us know if you are interested in filling one of the positions by signing up here:

Specific responsibilities of each officer are as follows:
The President shall preside at all Booster Club meetings, shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Booster Club, countersign all contracts, conveyances, agreements, and other instruments of the Booster Club, and perform all such duties as are incident to the officer or properly required of the office by the voting membership. The President shall serve as ex-officio member of all committees. The President shall also supervise a semi-annual internal review of the Booster Club financial records, mission development, administrative liaison and executive officer who will enforce the bylaws and rules of the booster club.

Vice President: (Open for 2021-2022)
The Vice-President shall act and perform the duties of the President whenever the President is unavailable or unable to carry out the duties of the President. They organize the leaders of various committees and help to make the behind the scenes needs happen.

Secretary: (Currently Open, Open for 2021-2022)
The Secretary shall be responsible for the creation and distribution of the Booster Club meeting agenda and minutes and responsible for notifying all Board Members and Booster Club Members of upcoming meetings and activities.

* Treasurer*: (Open for 2021-2022)
The Treasurer shall maintain the financial records for the Booster Club, including accounting of income and expenses, filing Federal income tax reports and forms on a timely basis as required, responsible for providing financial reports at Board of Directors meetings and purchasing insurance if necessary.
Time Commitment- during season is about 2 hour a month, start of season is a little more during registrations and then off season months isn’t much and some months there is nothing.

* Fundraising Director*: (Currently Open, Open for 2021-2022)
The Fund-Raising Director shall be responsible for selection and supervision of all fund-raising activities. They shall be responsible for raising funds in response to the capital expenditures needed by the Booster Club including the organization of events with the participation of parents and the Nordic Ski Team members.

Communication Director: (Open for 2021-2022)
The Communication Director shall be responsible for all communication and marketing aspects of the Booster Club, including updating the team website, email communication to members and volunteers, social media content and advertising all Booster Club activities.


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Race Results

Andover Nordic Banquet 2021/2022


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